All in black and covered hair,
She walked in long and quick strides;
A peculiar and energetic old pace,
Hands dangling on her sides
And a sense of urgency in her face,
Determined to get quickly somewhere…
Em Português ou Inglês, ou ambas as línguas, conforme o estar e o lugar.............................. In Portuguese or in English, or in both languages, depending on the mood and place...
Like this pic indeed!
Interesting character! I don't know what makes me come to the idea of getting back to Middle Ages! Some secs past I came to realise she could be a gipsy widow!
Anyway.. must say you're lucky with your pic "victims"..LOL **
Superb pic! There are so many ladies in black in Porto. I also really enjoyed the text, very appropriate! Nice work! bjs
Cigana, com toda a certeza.Tão habituada a vaguear, que os seus passos só podem ser dominadores. Beijos.
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